Your LOCAL Agent - "I buy Vets beers!"
Matt DeMaris
OwnerLand Realty - Sales Manager
Vets & Brews - Founder

3,405 Beers Donated to Deserving Veterans
$20,974 Raised for Patriot's Landing

Vets & Brews is an easy way for an individual to show their support for our Veterans. Every $10 donation buys a pint of beer for a Veteran & the remaining balance goes to Patriot's Landing!
My name is Matt DeMaris. I am a real estate agent with OwnerLand Realty & I came up with Vets & Brews in October, 2019. My goal is to buy every veteran in our country a beer! I give them out during events or any time I meet a Veteran while I'm out & about exploring a local craft beer scene. I think it is a simple way to say "Thank you" that any beer-loving Veteran would enjoy. If you have an upcoming Veteran event at a brewery, don't hesitate to reach out to me. If I'm available...I'd love to show up & buy some Veterans a brew!
My goal for 2024 is to expand Vets & Brews into new markets all over the U.S. We need your help though! If you ended up on this page & you like this idea, please don't hesitate to copy this link & send it to everybody you know to help us spread the word. Our goal is to take this to a national level until every Vet across the US has received a donated pint!
If you would like to make a donation, please click on the above button. Click HERE to learn more about Patriot's Landing & their mission. If you're with a local craft brewery & would like to learn more about what a partnership entails, shoot me an email or give me a call. Thank you for your participation & please don't forget to share this with everyone you know.
Matt DeMaris
Real Estate Agent
OwnerLand Realty
(513) 600-7824

*$1 of each donation goes towards marketing this effort